Tuesday, 1 November 2011

today i bought...

To keep or not to keep...? I just can't decide. I featured these lovely Topshop boots as 24th September's "today i want", and then spent about a month deliberating over whether to get them. I finally went for it and now I'm very undecided as to whether to keep them (to be fair I can never make my mind up about anything and always take about an hour to decide what to eat in restaurants). On the one hand they are an undeniably good-looking pair of boots, with more than a hint of Alexander Wang about them, and I have wanted them for ages. On the other hand they are £75, and I already have two pairs of not dissimilar mid-heeled black boots. I also haven't felt that strong urge to wear them that I get with some buys. But then again, sometimes the purchases I deliberate over the most turn out to be favourites... Oh, I just don't know. What do you think?



  1. Love it!
    Keep it!


  2. LOVE these. if you don't want them, feel free to send them my way haha.



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