Hello and thanks so much for visiting my blog! My name is Anna, I'm 34 and I live in Berkshire, England.
My blog originally started in 2010 and has gone through a few iterations since then, but it's always focused on what I love and what I want to share. Back then I was obsessed by fashion, documenting my purchases and wish lists on the blog while interning in fashion journalism and helping out at London Fashion Week. Skip forward a few years and when I began decorating my own home, I found I was spending far more of my money in IKEA than Topshop, and the focus of my blog (and my Pinterest boards) shifted towards minimalist, Scandinavian interiors. I've retained my obsession with scented candles and luxury beauty though (hello Space NK addict...)
These days, I find myself yearning more and more for a slower, simpler life. There is nothing I love more than to have a completely free weekend to do nothing but pad around the house in my loungewear, watching Netflix, drinking copious amounts of tea, with my cat Raya snuggled on my lap (oh and maybe throw in a cinnamon bun and some Pilates). I've learned that happiness for me comes from taking time out from the rat race of work, chores and replying to messages that we all get too easily caught up in, and instead slowing down and indulging in what I truly care about.
However, I have a busy job in IT which can often involve a fair amount of work travel, long hours and stress. For me, this makes it even more important to spend my free time doing exactly what I want to do: the older I get the less I worry about how people think I should be living my life, and the more I listen to what I actually need and want. For me this means no more drunken nights out (nothing more depressing than a nightclub), no more spending hours commuting to London, and no more filling up my downtime with social engagements that I think I "should" be doing.
So I'll hope you'll join me in my pursuit of a slow life, even with a fast job. Here's to the simple pleasures of life; I hope you enjoy reading about mine.
All pictures and content on this blog is the property of anna lou elliott unless otherwise stated. All pictures not owned by me are credited with a link to the source. However, should you wish any images to be removed, please leave a comment on a post or contact me as per my "contact" page and I will be happy to do so. If you'd like to use any of my pictures or content, please contact me to ask my permission.
Any sponsored content or gifted items will always be flagged up on the blog, but please rest assured that all views are my own and all content remains true to my personal style.
My blog contains some affiliate marketing links, which means I get paid commission on sales of those products I write about. My editorial content is not influenced by advertisers or affiliate partnerships. I use a 3rd party to develop these partnerships.