Wednesday, 19 November 2014

today i bought… acne pistol boots

acne pistol boots

If any of you have been reading my blog for a few years you might be getting a sense of déjà vu from this post. In fact I bought a pair of Acne Pistol boots back in March 2012. I loved them from day one and wore them to death with anything and everything. Unfortunately, however, in January 2013 I managed to ruin them by putting shiny polish on them and then having to use washing up liquid to get it off. Since then they've been looking pretty sorry for themselves, battered and scratched and very much grey rather than black. It kind of broke my heart, if I'm honest. So much so that I've barely been able to look at them since, let alone wear them. It's taken me nearly two years but I finally decided to replace them when I saw that my-wardrobe was offering 30% off Acne last weekend, taking them down from £380 to £250. Now at last I can start wearing my beloved Pistols again, and finally stop feeling so sad about them (melodramatic, yes, but damn I love my shoes). On the plus side, I managed to get the right size this time after my previous pair were too big (they run very large so size down!) Every cloud and all that…

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