Friday, 25 November 2011

today i love... christmas gifts

It's that time of year again. With December just around the corner (!), we can't put off thinking about Christmas gifts for much longer. But while it can seem a daunting prospect, with a little thought and good use of the internet, Christmas shopping can actually be relatively pain-free. I myself like to spend a little time brainstorming ideas for each person I'm buying for (I do love a good list) before hitting the web and trying to tick off most of my purchases online. Only then will I actually leave the house for some in-store shopping to tie up the loose ends and buy wrapping paper and cards. So, with this in mind, I've been scouring the net to find the best Christmas gifts for the fashionably-inclined. When I say that, I basically mean that this is everything I'd love to find under my tree (to my friends and family: hint, hint...) I myself get annoyed when I see a Christmas gift special in a magazine and most of the items are upwards of £50 or £100. So these ideas are instead geared towards those of us who don't have quite that much to spend: you won't find anything above £35 (it was going to be £30, but I just had to include the Stella perfume). And of course everything here is available online, so all you need to do is sit back on your sofa with a cup of tea and click away. Job done.

1. Just Acces double ring, £15 at ASOS
6. New Look cropped slubby jumper, £17.49 (reduced from £24.99)

7. Torches by Foster the People, £4.99 at Amazon

13. The September Issue DVD, £3.99 at Amazon
17. This Works body box, £20 at ASOS


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